The Democratic Republic of the Yorùbá Official Website

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba is a Sovereign Nation from Friday the 12th day of April 2024. Being the Newest Sovereign Nation in West Africa, the 55th Nation in Africa, and the Newest Sovereign Nation in the World, D.R.Y emerged Peacefully through the process of self determination, as laid down & propagated in the UN Charter.

Congratulate the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba, the Newest Nation in the World, 2024

The newest nation in the world is the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba. An African country which declared her independence on November 20, 2022, is the world’s latest internationally recognised Nation. It became a United Nations member in the days that followed. Join in the celebration of a new country in Africa!

Yoruba Nation Head of Provisional Government, Mobolaji Olawale Akinola Omokore
Chief Mrs Modupeola Onitiri Abiola (MOA) - Leader of the Yoruba Nation Self determination movement.
The newest nation in the world is the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba. An African country which declared her independence on November 20, 2022, is the world’s latest internationally recognised Nation. It became a United Nations member in the days that followed. Join in the celebration of a new country in Africa!

Proclaimation of the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba by Chief Mrs Modupeola Onitiri-Abiola (MOA)

I Modupeola Onitiri-Abiola, sent by God Almighty to lead the entire Indigenous Yoruba People (IYP) out of slavery, subjugation, domination & control, hereby on this day 12th April 2024, PROCLAIM the Independent Sovereignty of the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba in the name of God our father. And on this day till the end of time, We the Yoruba people begin our sovereignty power through a democratic government with the declaration of Ọgbeni Mobọlaji Ọlawale Akinọla Ọmọkore as the Head of Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Yorùbá. God bless Yorùbá Land. God bless IYP.

Olori Adele (Head of Provisional Government D.R.Y), Ọgbeni Mobọlaji Ọlawale Akinọla Ọmọkore's First Address to IYP

The head of government, the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba gives thanks to God almighty and appreciating the Ominira Yoruba 2022 team, especially our Mother, Ọmọ-Ọba Modupeola Onitiri-Abiọla for the success of the journey to sovereignty of the Yorùbá. A peaceful exit from Nigeria that has never been witness anywhere in the world. Today, being the 12th of April, 2024, the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba became the newest nation in the world, newest nation in Africa, the 55th country in Africa, and 17th sovereign nation in West Africa.

Swearing in of the Head of Provisional Government, Ọgbeni Mobọlaji Ọlawale Akinọla Ọmọkore

Our Various Departments

Your Government

Those elected or appointed into office at any level are REPRESENTATIVES of government, that is, representatives of the Indigenous Yoruba People

Justice, Safety and The Law

Safety of life and property is paramount in the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba.


The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba, from the beginning, has been based on Legal and binding documentation.

Business & Industry

In the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba, we produce what we need and we use what we produce!

Land & Housing

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba provides facilities and infrastructure 

Public Consultations

When the five-million signature petition to indicate the intent of the Yoruba to exit Nigeria was launched

Citizen Awareness & Education

The Indigenous Yoruba Person is the number one reason for which 

Art & Culture

The Yorubas are known to be a people who from time immemorial have been 

Jobs And Unemployment

The Indigenous Yoruba Person is the number one reason for which the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba exists!

Policing & Crime

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba has zero tolerance for crime – be it violent crime or corruption.

Road & Transportation

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba has, as one of its cardinal programmes

Infrastructure & Technology

The Yorubas are a people imbued with great intellectual skills as well as technological wherewithal

About Yoruba Nation

The struggle for an independent Yoruba Nation out of the British arrangement called Nigeria had been on for over thirty years, with the Yoruba people realising that the colonisation of Yorubaland and her eventual amalgamation with other nations has done a great disservice to the Yoruba people.

The Declaration of the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba (Yoruba Nation, Yoruba Kingdom, Yoruba land) was gloriously declared on the 20th of November 2022.

D.R.Y Awareness of the Newest Country in Chicago

On Monday the 20th of May, 2024, the City of Chicago in the United States of America witnessed the first day of the Awareness drive for the newest nation in the world, the 55th nation in Africa, and the 17th nation in West Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba whose Head of Provisional Government, Mobolaji Olawale Akinola Omokore, was prominently featured in the Awareness Campaign, together with the event of his Swearing-In on the 12th of April, 2024, making the D.R.Y the 196th nation in the world.

The Campaign which started at Michigan Avenue, 401, North Michigan, featured street awareness and audio visuals on the wheels.

Recall that the same Campaign had started sometime back in the City of New York and specifically at the premises of the offices of the United Nations Organization.

The Democratic Republic of the Yoruba and the Indigenous Yoruba People continue this Campaign throughout key places as they demonstrate their joy and gladness at the fulfillment of a life-long desire to take their destiny in their own hands and build a Yoruba nation of their dream that promises to be the cynosure of all eyes throughout the world for positivity and this eternally.

The Declaration of Yoruba Nation to the United Nations

Having submitted all necessary documents on the declaration to the United Nations in 2022, Chief Mrs Modupeola Onitiri Abiola also forwarded the same to all countries represented in the United Nations, alerting them of the exit of the Yoruba out of Nigeria. 

The declaration paved way for the sovereignty of the indigenous Yoruba people (IYP) as Democratic Republic of the Yoruba on the 12th of April 2024. On this day, the newest nation in the world was birthed. Democratic Republic of the Yoruba, a prominent ethnic nationality with unique culture with the most widely spoken language in Africa, represents the 55th newest nation in Africa 

Ijoba Adele (D.R.Y Provisional Government)

There is an ongoing process of raising the sum of one million dollars for the commencement of the Yoruba provisional government also called ‘Ijoba Adele’ and to defend the sovereignty of Yoruba Nation and her people, now called the Democratic Republic of the Yoruba. The Yoruba land which consists of Eko (Lagos) state, Ogun state, Oyo state, Ondo state, Osun  state, Ekiti state and Oyo Empire, an empire which was maliciously destroyed and taken from the Yoruba people and now wrongfully called Kwara and Kogi state.

Self Determination for the actualisation of Yoruba Nation

The self determination movement for the actualisation of a Yoruba Nation became very strong in recent years, which saw the involvement of many notable Yoruba sons and daughters like Chief Mrs Modupeola Onitiri Abiola (MOA), whom God eventually used to peacefully bring into reality the Sovereign Democratic Republic of the Yoruba on the the 12th April 2024.